Friday, November 27, 2009

Factor Wisely when Opting for Learning Management System Training

One advantage of choosing to deliver training online via a learning management system or LCMS is the cost benefit.

Savings from online learning will come from many sources, including the relatively low cost of materials, travel, seat time, and administrative costs. For example, it generally takes at least three times as long to build e-learning material than it goes to create face-to-face training. However, depending on your needs, online training is typically quite cost-effective compared with face-to-face training.

The time spent by the learner in the learning environment (aka "seat time"), is one important source of savings when going the online route. Depending on the learning material, online learning usually has a pronounced advantage over classroom training in this regard. Research suggests a roughly 50% reduction in seat time when a course is performed online. This depends on the content, of course, but for most types of learning material it applies.

Your ability to change the format of learning material into many kinds of media (video, audio, text, etc.) is inherently time-saving. For instance, content is read about twice as fast as compared to its spoken form (for example, written text versus a lecture). Learning management system training, rather than allowing someone to do all the talking, allows learners to just read about it. Here one might argue for the interactive component of a classroom learning environment. Not to worry---we'll get to that in a minute.

Second, think about your audience when opting for or against online learning. Do your students already have experience with online learning? How can you make the training experience an enjoyable and effective one for your students? In what ways do you expect them to benefit from online training? And finally, how will a learning management system help you realize these objectives?

Develop and deliver interactive training courses with Coggno's Learning Management System (LMS) Online. Simple user interface, potent and cost-effective.

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