Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year’s Resolution- Get your Course Online!

Every week throughout the year Coggno is contacted by trainers, content developers, instructional designers and would-be courseware developers who are searching for a means to take their traditionally off line training, online. Most often they have a specific expertise around a subject or domain that they have spent years developing and delivering in a traditional format, and they have decided to take their training online.

This usually falls into two categories, making the jump from instructor lead training, to an online format, or converting DVD based training onto an LMS format. While this can seem like a daunting task, if it is carefully planned, and executed, making the leap to an online training course can be the beginning of a whole new avenue to deliver and expand your audience.

See Related Post: New Year’s Resolution for your Online Training course initiative

Friday, December 3, 2010

Training on the Go

Last week, due to my own personal discovery of online tools (which are available to anyone seeking knowledge or the means of providing it), I was able to complete a book that would have otherwise taken me about two weeks. LMS training courses could benefit from this kind of gap time.

My daily chores and commutes suddenly became interesting and relevant to my life, and they seemed to go by faster. In just four days, I had read the whole Book I of Don Quixote, without making any changes in my daily schedule.

Every employee, no matter what their daily routines are, can surely find at least an hour or two daily that is "sunk" time, or time when they are not doing much other than skimming the newspaper in the subway, driving, or exercising. Everyone has gap spaces in their schedule while are perfect times for learning.

Podcasts and audiobooks are a pedagogical tool not used widely enough in today's education system, from youth to adult learning. With LMS platforms for employee online training, podcasts are extremely easy--and fun--to create.

See Related Post: Enliven Gaps and Sunk Time with LMS Podcasts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Improve Cognitive Abilities for Work and Life

How can you create a positive atmosphere in your workplace and provide great LMS training that is effective, stimulating, and prompts a sense of "flow" that boosts performance?

In Csikszentmihalyi's flow studies, he found that one major preoccupation that prevented people from enjoying what they are doing is how they appear to others, or what others might think about them. As Doctor Phil has said many times (love or hate him, he has some great things to say about human behavior), one thing that unites humankind is the fear that we don't measure up. Everyone feels this way at one time or another, and the kind of workplace and training that are present in a person's life have a great deal to do with the strength of this feeling. It can affect performance in ways that managers don't even imagine. If a worker feels underestimated, unchallenged, or bored, he or she is unlikely to perform to the optimal capacity.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for performance review training creators on its learning management system. Create online training for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno's E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

See Related Post: Don't Go with the Flow--Create it--and Watch Performance Soar

Monday, October 18, 2010

Theory vs. Practice in Books and Courses on Performance MGMT

Learning not only theory but how to actually implement good performance management in your office or other workplace has the potential to save your organization time and energy wasted in employee turnover. Books can give you theory, but not the physical tools to organize and practice more effective management. This is where LMS performance management courses come in.

What an LMS course in performance management gives you is that interactive learning experience, which has many benefits including the simple fact that it's faster and simpler than reading a book. In addition, its dynamic and interactive nature makes the information more likely to stick in your brain long-term and likelier to totally transform your management practices. The non-interactive nature of books prevents them from having this same function.

You probably already know some tenets of good performance management, but perhaps you don't know how to actually implement those ideas. You may be wondering, how can you foster the drive for success in your employees? Start by creating goal-oriented performance review meetings and appraisals.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for performance review training creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno's E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

See Related Post: What Books Can't Teach You: Performance Management for Dummies

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Motivate Employees with Training

How can you ensure that the employee you have hired fulfills the expectations and the work that you have for him/her? The answer is in the first few weeks of an employee's new term--during training.

Dynamic and effective training ensures that employees understand their tasks, gives them the practice and theory they will need to do their job with excellence, and creates a greater sense of team spirit in the workplace. In fact, there is a growing trend to nurture the team spirit and true engagement aspects of training.

With a learning management system (LMS) online training that treats training as a game and the participant as a motivated and interested learner, (which everyone is at the onset of a new job) Using an LMS, you can create dynamic, face-to-face training that has a game-like element.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for performance review training creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno's E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

See Related Post: How to Motivate Employees with LMS Courses

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Score a Pay Raise at your Performance Review

With the economy on the upswing, you may find it the right time to finally approach your manager about a pay raise. A great context in which to do so is during a successful performance review. If your performance review is less than sparkling, it may not be the best time. So how can you nail your performance review?

Go in prepared. You might first consider taking a brief LMS preparation course. By doing so you'll not only learn all the tips on how to have a successful interview, but many LMS courses also provide practice reviews and checklists to help you prepare.

You'll find out the answers to questions such as: What control can I exercise during my performance review? What will the review cover, and what time periods will be reviewed? How can I showcase my accomplishments from the past year? The more prepared you go in to the interview, of course, the more successful you will be. The response your pay raise appeal receives is also likelier to be positive the stronger case you present for yourself.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for performance review training creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno's E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

See Related Post: Increase Your Pay Raise Potential with LMS Performance Review Training

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to Gain Leverage During Your Annual Performance Review

Do you recall that feeling you had in grade school the moment you found out that report card time is near? If you had good grades in the past months, you were not at all worried. You may have even been looking forward to it knowing that you are about to get a reward from your parents for a job well done. But if you are unconfident about your performance during the semester, you probably felt butterflies in your stomach.

Hop on to the present and you find yourself reintroduced to that old feeling all over again. Getting your annual performance review is just like getting your report card when you were young. You are told how if you did a great job the past year or not hoping that you will learn from it and set new goals for the future.

Both parties benefit from a performance review – you get to know what your boss expects you to do and you get the opportunity to explain what you want from your job as well. Heading to an annual performance review is not really one of the most exciting events in your life. But instead of giving in to your anxiety as you wait for you grades, there are some things that you can do to lighten up the actual review.

• Have a back up for your points

A good place to start your preparation is with your portion of the review. Look at the points that you mentioned in your review and highlight your achievements. Watch out for weak points that could prompt some questions and think of a good answer if they come up during the review.

• Get ahead of issues and concerns

Predicting possible issues and areas of concern will give you leverage during the review. Even when you are expecting a good discussion, think about certain issues that your boss may raise and what you will say if they come up.

• Know your lapses

You should spend time thinking about your skill and competency lapses and possible solutions to close those gaps. Perhaps your blunders were due to lack of knowledge, insufficient training, poor management or a combination of the three. Know your competency gaps and think about ways to solve them.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for management training program creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno's E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

See Related Post: Your Best Protection at Performance Review Time

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Naturalize Staff Communication in an LMS Corporate Environment

Simple and effective LMS training on both managerial roles and staff mentoring strategies are a huge asset to organizations. Mentoring helps to naturalize the kind of staff communication and dialogue which will ultimately benefit your organization's bottom line.

The Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement applies not only to your entire organization and relations between managers and staff, but it also applies to your employees themselves. One important managerial duty is to aid in the professional development of your staff. As a manager and/or LMS training administrator, how can you aid staff development?

One idea is to match your staff with senior staff members, and create a time and space for dialogue. informal dialogues over lunch or coffee. These provide a space for senior and junior staff members to exchange past experiences and future goals, generating the flow of a fresh exchange of ideas.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for management training program creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno's E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

See Related Post: LMS Mentoring = More Fresh Ideas

Friday, June 4, 2010

Two Tips for Homeschooling Management

As a homeschool parent, you will become a pro in management. What kind of management? Two kinds--time management and learning management.

Time management will become second nature to you as a homeschooler. Although learning management systems and other online learning materials are relatively mess-free, you'll be doing all kinds of projects (including art and science) that will inevitably cause clutter. And lesson-planning and clutter-cleaning are on top of the regular house chores.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for home educators on its learning management system. Create online courses for home use, or for syndication.

Learning management can be greatly aided with a learning management system and other online tools. Home educators have a great deal of work to do, and a learning management system can help with things like grading, record-keeping, and lesson planning. With a learning management system like Coggno, you can also create quizzes, tests and videos.

A world of tools is available to homeschool students, including LMSs offered by Christian academies and other institutions to suit the religious beliefs of the families who use them. Homeschooling should never be a solitary enterprise. Take advantage of the support and educational tools available online and in your community.

See Related Post: Time and Learning Management Systems for Homeschoolers

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Great Language Podcasts for LMS Students

What kind of content should you include in your LMS language course podcast? Choosing interesting material is a subjective task, since everyone has a different concept of what's actually interesting. However, it's the way in which you present the information that makes or breaks your podcast.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for online course creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, either for internal use, Coggno's E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

Keep in mind that interesting audio information--especially for language podcasts--is that which varies in texture and tone. Speak slowly, and keep the tone light and fun.

Intersperse music, pieces of interviews, sound bites, etc. throughout your podcast. This is a great way to lend it texture and continuity. Additionally, your dialogue should sound conversational, and the listener should feel like the podcaster is speaking directly to him or her rather than reading from a script. You can also record interviews and discussions, or include clips of these kinds of dialogues to include in the LMS course.

See Related Post: Four Texture-Lending Tips for Language Course Podcasts

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Homeschooling - Technological Benefits for Your Child

There are many good reasons to consider homeschooling as an alternative to a public or private school system for your child. Support, flexibility, technological advantages, quality, and creativity are five major benefits to homeschooling.

As a home educator, you'll find great flexibility in your daytime activities. You'll have control over your day and your child's social activities, arranging get-togethers, taking educational day trips, and engaging in other fun activities.

Second, home educators have available to them a great support system, both at home and outside the home. If you are stuck on a subject you're not sure how to teach, finding online tutors tutors for these subjects. Additionally, with the wealth of curriculum and learning materials, learning management system courses and other internet resources, you'll find plenty of support. Coggno is now offering a free trial for home educators on its learning management system. Create online courses for home use, or for syndication.

Which leads to our third benefit: home educators have access to and control over the best educational web 2.0 tools for crafting a robust learning experience. Online work serves to complement lessons, activities and assignments. Learning management systems are a convenient and easy way to improve students' ICT skills and familiarize them with new technology.

See Related Post: Learning From Home - 5 Reasons to Homeschool Your Child

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Learning Management Systems Can Assist Enterprises

Are you aware that a learning management system makes it viable to provide training to huge personnel concurrently? Many organizations outsource their operations which makes it impractical to provide training to the entire staff at a particular place or at any given time. With an increase in off-shore processes, training your workforce and in actuality outsourced human resources, receives preference over other responsibilities. Unlike the earlier days, where training was not as important as it is considered today.

Training For Your Off-shore Operations
Outsourcing operations has expanded considerably in the last couple of years and the main factor of outsourcing is to have an impeccably trained off-shore task force. Categorized modules are mostly given to the teams situated at different locations and usually the employees to be trained are sent to the company (on site) or vice-versa. This type of training runs up the operating costs and is not reasonable each time as it takes up a lot of time and energy. These circumstances are when; a LMS or learning management system can present the solution.

Benefits of a LMS
The best thing about a learning management system is that it permits you to manage, corroborate, pursue and convey the details about the modules online. This facilitates proper time management that is customarily consumed regulating these programs. Incorporating LMS with additional routine activities of the company will noticeably boost your business competence and this is more relevant for organizations having off-shore operations. The learning management system not only traces and describes the training modules, but extensively coordinates programs and analyzes any imperfections in the modules.

Applying a LMS Provides Dexterity
This system offers flexibility to the outsourced staff to chart their career path and select the modules which appeals to them. The LMS is an independent system and is not reliant on the schedules of an instructor as everything is online. This system provides dexterity in training as the workforce is liberated to decide the module of their interest and also work out their agenda, which becomes impossible in a classroom environment.

Program Feedback and Reports
Individuals can be chosen for these programs on the basis of their job profiles and be trained in the fields essential for their progress utilizing learning management system. The administration also receives comments and responses on the LMS programs which aids in improvisations and modifications appropriately.

LMS also generates reports that appear all-inclusive and merged, which allows the company to take training assessments for their outsourced businesses. You will be able to perceive and observe the variances in the training prerequisites that are a must for your different operations globally.

In Summary
The benefits of LMS far outnumber the problems and apprehension faced by organizations that have off-shore operations. Time is saved as identifying with the training programs and communicating the requisites is optimized. LMS is not applied only for outsourced entities but for all divisions. A learning management system guarantees no flaws transpire at different training sites.

Coggno can provide you with a flexible and easy to use learning management system for your training and development programs. Call Coggno now at 888-585-9978 and inquire about trying out the system for free.
Article Source: How Learning Management Systems Can Assist Enterprises

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Learning Management Systems Help Manage Outsourced Extensions

As any company with an outsourced extension knows, business process outsourcing (BPO) can involve certain risks. Security, disconnect, lack of motivation, and unforeseen costs are just a few. However, learning management systems (LMS) can help mitigate these risks by creating a more centralized training system, in which all employees are trained to execute the same processes. In doing so, outsourced extensions of a company are able to operate in a more unified and parallel way, and avoid the traps that so many outsourcing organizations fall into.

What are some of the risks involved in business process outsourcing, and how can a learning management system prevent them?

One risk is a disconnect between you and your outsourced extension. For that reason, a strong learning management system course that deals with compliance training topics such as communication strategies and specific processes is key.

Solid LMS training for managers is an essential implementation for BPO extensions. For example, a course in project management could help your managers review project management processes, project and team cycles, and evaluation and improvement techniques. A project management course is able to orient both staff and managers to the functions and tools needed for successful management.

Another kind of course with great benefits for managers in an outsourced post is a course that covers team dynamics and staff motivation. While most managers would agree that staff motivation is a critical element of managerial duties, many do not actually practice effective motivation, and are in the dark as to what kinds of strategies, techniques, and theories factor in.

A learning management system course that trains managers on what kind of motivation strategies actually work, and how to implement them, is a strong preventative measure against BPO risks such as a changing attitude among employees or low employee morale.

See Related Post: Learning Management System Training Nips BPO Problems in the Bud

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Making Course Management Easy through Learning Management System

Learning Management System is currently taking the lead in helping over a thousand companies to use in their application processes. There are some who find it a relief to acquire such program and there are a lot of people who commends the computer based training program as convenient and user-friendly. Here are some more reasons why it is very important to acquire this type of software for your organization.

First of the advantages that Learning Management System can provide is that it has a comprehendible course management feature. Anyone or people who are not that equipped with such knowledge regarding high end technologies can easily comprehend every single detail of the process being assessed as the system can sort and organize courses and lessons.

You may have noticed a lot of companies have already adapted this kind of system online. It is just in your discretion on which one has caught your interest or which system provides you better outputs. However, it does not matter what company you select. Comparing it to traditional ways of learning programs, it is better by a mile. Your stressful task has just been solved through these types of programs.

These programs are generated through hard works of the best programmers and developers in the world. They were able to come up with various courses from a set of fields ranging from health, education, computer courses or accounting and other. An organization has the option to choose the specific field they are interested to deal with in this type of technique.

Learning Management System also manages to have a systematic compilation and organized documentation of ever course and lecture a company or an organization has, which makes it easier to understand. Not only that, it is more convenient for people as they can allocate time by considering their pacing in understanding the course. Bid farewell to piles of lecture notes as Learning Management System do everything for you by not compensating the knowledge you would be getting from the program.

With the best things Learning Management System could provide, it just proves why it is leading the current trend of computer based training programs that companies and organizations love to use.

See Related Post: Making Course Management Easy through Learning Management System

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Learning Management System Facilitates the Ease of Course Management

Over a thousand companies and organizations have chosen Learning Management System for quite a couple of reasons. Some say they are really relieved that there is such an application, and some people comment that they are quite convenient and are easy to use. There are actually top ten reasons why it is essential to have this kind of software – that is if you haven’t got one for your organization yet.

Among all the top ten reasons, the most popular reason why it is recommended to use this kind of program is because it provides an easy course management feature. What does this necessarily entail? Basically, this feature of the Learning Management System simply states that a child or someone taking up a short course can easily understand each and every single concept because the system can actually divide and have all the courses well organized.

Well, there are different companies offering this kind of system online, it is up to you whether which one catches your attention and which system can answer to all of your needs. But, no matter from what company you choose, definitely, it is a lot better compared to the normal hands on or even paper test and course lectures. So, if you would ask, how does a Learning Management System provide all of your needs and have it organized at the same time? You may think that it may be quite stressful, or even a hassle. Definitely, it will go the other way around.

Most of these systems were developed by great, if not great, the best programmers in the world, these developers were able to come up with different courses coming from different fields – health, accounting, education, or even a short computer course. With this, an organization may be able to choose which particular field they are interested - something that is related to their line of industry.

The Learning Management System has the following features, which enables each and every company or organization to have their courses, or lectures more organized and even easier to understand.

People would not have to leave their homes and have to struggle through the traffic while carrying a pen and even a notebook for training. Course takers may simply use the wonders of innovation and technology and have everything laid out to them without all these paper works. Say goodbye to a mountain pile of notes for lecture – say goodbye to confusing notes, and even struggle to write everything that is being discussed. The Learning Management System is definitely a paperless environment, wherein students can go back to the previous lectures just in case something is not clearly discussed.

Since this is an online course, this kind of system has texts and sometimes audio that comes along with the course. That way, trainees won’t be able to doze off, and even become more interested because of the interface. As a matter of fact, aside from being organized, many researches have already been conducted and had been proved that this kind of learning system is more effective compared to the traditional learning system course.

With the wonders Learning Management System could offer, it is so precise and there is no doubt why a lot of organizations are going into this kind of learning course.

See Related Post: Learning Management System Provides Easy Course Management

Friday, January 29, 2010

High End Learning Management System Modules

A learning management system implements back to back priorities and gives the management an individualistic attitude to build up activities and procedures. Being sentient that a LMS can carry out numerous functions, managerial appeals from rescheduling programs, to important requests like carefully examining breach in training, allying modules in concurrence with the organizational objectives.

The business tends to suffer tremendous losses in keeping up with a classroom milieu and gives the trainer and trainee complete flexibility. Productivity and performance can be increased with the execution of a learning management system in turn cutting down the costs and attaining the set goals. The moment the training modules are installed on a LMS, plenty of e-learning modules are made available to the instructors and students.

Responsibilities like funding, conscriptions, overseeing evaluations, making reports, allocation of classroom logistics are easier with LMS. Professionals can set their goals, and the superiors can classify the growth of the workforce. In reality, appraisals can be clubbed together with experience using a learning management system.

The organization’s clients analyse the learning management system permitting them to inspect the staff and grant the skill sets and presents the employees with programmed certification for security protocols and managerial functions. Employees that need to take the compulsory training are presented with training requests and development to enhance expertise for a particular position.

Employees are asked to give pointers and views post the training program regarding its usefulness. This helps the organization to go through the results and determine the progress in the turnover.

Big industries where the workforce is generally huge and comprises of many departments, a learning management system consents the overall performance and categorizes the expansion plans. The LMS sanctions the management to grant training appeals, observe the staff growth, report making, to identify whether the employees are ready and convey the accomplishments achieved by the employees to understand employee progress.

Without a LMS, most businesses encounter extra costs to cope with training prerequisites and end up with incorrect data. A LMS provides the managers to review employee strong points and evaluate their performance based on their skills.

There are more pros than cons with this system and it ensures smooth running of the organization with high class modules which affects the overall productivity and in the long run is absolutely beneficial for any business entity.

Related Post: Learning Management System Implements State of the Art Modules

Friday, January 15, 2010

Learning Management Systems Benefits

Learning management systems, or LMS, are a software and database solution to help deliver training to students of all types. For school districts needing to deliver online content to students to corporate training, there is a learning management system solution available. On top of these uses, LMS is a viable tool for higher education and other institutions which outside organizations and students can access through web portals.

Learning Management System Strengths
For many busy professionals, the idea of going back to school for more schooling seems impossible; even if that schooling means career advancement and more money. Learning management systems help eliminate some of the hurdles of going to school or even on the job training that can add a new skill set so an employee can be qualified for career advancement opportunities.

Easy Updating
Regardless of the use of the learning management system, both the users and administrators will find that updating the software is easy. Rather than having to republish entire web pages, making quick edits to pages is a painless process. Fixing small errors or updating a section’s content to reflect a new version of an accompanying text book is a matter of finding the section, making the edits and saving the changes. The next time that text is accessed by the users, the latest version will be what appears. Training materials especially must be kept updated as any training based on old material can almost be worse than no training at all.

Learning Management Systems and You
Learning management systems
have many uses. Corporations can use learning management systems to provide content to new hires about anything from policies and procedures to specific job training needed for a particular position. On top of this, continuing education can be provided to employees as well to help them further their job skills. Most learning management systems also have built in administrative and scheduling functionality to automate the process of getting employees scheduled for training sessions.
Related Post: Learning Management System Enables Easy Course Updates for Organizational Training

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why your organization can use an LMS?

Most organizations implement an LMS (Learning Management Systems) for many of the benefits they can gain from it. The benefits are numerous and enjoyed not only by trainers, but also by moderators and learners. There are a variety of features it offers for each of its users. You can administrate - tracking, documents, reports and scheduling courses as per your requirement. This simply results in your organization using the LMS to reduce its training expenses and at the same time increase efficiency.

The decision to implement a Learning Management System in your organization will offer you the chance to improve your learning solutions and enable it to support learning in multiple languages. The LMS also provides competency management. With this feature you will be able to track and manage the competencies of your workforce and ensure that they are in line with your organizational objectives. The competency management in the LMS will enable you to find the skill gaps and provide learning paths to overcome these problem areas.

The Learning Management System solution can help to manage schedules for blended solutions - ILT (Instructor Led Training) and e-learning. It functions as a centralized training system and improves efficiency and saves on time. This is especially true for an organization that has a global workforce and you use a blend of ILT and e-learning.

It is easy to see why many people consider Learning Management System as a solution to provide global education. Apart from training ease and efficiency the LMS supports many other features. These systems are user friendly and also offer advanced search functionality, easy integration with HR, ERP and CRM systems.

They also come with additional security features which protect the data of the user, offer privacy and prevent use by unauthorized users. This system helps to ensure that you provide a better learning experience which is not only safe but also effective.

Related Post: Learning Management System: A Solution for Global Education